
Top 250+ Google Cloud(GCP) Interview Questions and Answers Part - 2

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In this article, we are continuing with our Top 250+ Google Cloud(GCP) Interview Questions and Answers series. In the previous article, we have covered some of the important questions that are very likely in any GCP based interviews. Here also you will see some more important questions like that. So without any further delay, Let's start our questions and answers series Part - 2.

Top 250+ Google Cloud(GCP) Interview Questions and Answers Part - 2

Top 250+ Google Cloud(GCP) Interview Questions and Answers Part - 2

Also Read: Top 250+ Google Cloud(GCP) Interview Questions and Answers

1. What are the different types of Storage Services in Google Cloud ?

Ans. Below are the different Storage Services in Google Cloud:-

  • Object Storage
  • File Storage
  • Block Storage
  • Caches

2. Which is the Network File System(NFS) based Storage Service in Google Cloud ?

Ans. Google Cloud Filestore

3. Which Compute Service is used for Event Processing in Google Cloud ?

Ans. Cloud Functions

4. What are the different components Cloud Functions uses ?

Ans. Cloud Functions uses three components:-

  • Events
  • Triggers
  • Functions

5. Which of the events are currently supported by the Cloud Function ?

Ans. There are currently five types of events to which Cloud Function responds:-

  • Cloud Storage Events
  • HTTP Events
  • Cloud Pub/Sub Events
  • Firebase
  • Stackdriver Logging

6. What is Firebase ?

Ans. Firebase is a mobile application development platform that supports database triggers, remote configuration triggers, and authentication triggers.

7. What is Cloud Function ?

Ans. Cloud Function is a serverless compute service which listens to events from multiple sources and execute code in response to those events within the Google Cloud Architecture.

8. What is the benefit of using Push Subscription over Pull in Cloud Pub/Sub ?

Ans. The most important benefit of using Push Subscription is that it avoids the need to check the queue continually for messages to pull.

9. Which Cloud Service will be more preferred to transmit data from one service to another ? 

Ans. Cloud Pub/Sub

10. Which Service will be most suitable to use when you need to process or apply transformation to a stream of IoT data ?

Ans. Cloud Dataflow

11. Which GCP Service is used for collecting metrics, logs and events ?

Ans. Stackdriver

12. What is Cloud Storage FUSE ?

Ans. Cloud Storage FUSE is an open source adapter that allows users to mount Cloud Storage buckets as filesystems on Linux and MacOS platforms.

13. How many different types of Cloud Storage offered by Google Cloud ?

Ans. There are four different types of Cloud Storage offered by Google Cloud:-

  • Regional
  • Multiregional
  • Nearline
  • Coldline

14. Which Managed Service provides both MySQL and PostgreSQL Databases in GCP ?

Ans. Cloud SQL

15. Which Managed Database Service is mostly recommended for strong consistency on a global scale ?

Ans. Cloud Spanner

16. Which Specialized service can be used for loading data from other Google Cloud Services, such as Google Ads and Google Ad Manager ?

Ans. BigQuery Data Transfer Service

17. Which of the NoSQL databases GCP currently offers ?

Ans. GCP currently offers three NoSQL Databases:-

  • BigTable
  • Datastore
  • Cloud Firestore

18. What are the key features provided by the Cloud Firestore Database ?

Ans. Below are important features provided by the Cloud Firestore DB:-

  • It supports real time updates
  • It provides multi region replication with strongly consistency
  • It supports document and collection data models
  • It provides an extensive mobile and web client libraries

19. What is the maximum size of instances supported in Cloud Memorystore ?

Ans. Cloud Memorystore supports up to 300 GB of instances.

20. Can we revoke a retention policy once it is locked ?

Ans. No

21. What are the different ways through which network latency concerns can be addressed ?

Ans. There are three different ways which can be used to address network latency concerns are:-

  • Replicating data in multiple regions and across continents
  • Distributing data using Cloud CDN
  • Using Google Cloud Premium Network tier

22. How users can authenticate to GCP ?

Ans. There are three ways to authenticate to GCP:-

  • One way is via Google authentication without SSO
  • Another way is via SSO by using Google authentication and Cloud Identity as the IdP
  • Then it can also be done via SSO by using an external IdP such as Okta, ADFS, or Ping Identity

23. What is Jupiter Network Fabric ?

Ans. The Jupiter network fabric is Google’s system of networking hardware, represented as a fabric that provides Google with a tremendous amount of bandwidth and scale, delivering more than 1 petabit per second (Pbps) of total bisection bandwidth.

24. What is Edge POP ?

Ans. An edge point of presence(POP) is a location where Google connects its network to the rest of the Internet via peering.

25. What are Edge Nodes ?

Ans. Edge nodes, also known as content delivery network (CDN) POPs, are points at which content can be cached and served locally to end users.

26. What is Andromeda ?

Ans. Andromeda is a Software Defined Networking (SDN) substrate for Google's network virtualization platform, acting as the orchestration point for provisioning, configuring, and managing virtual networks and in-network packet processing.

27. What is Apigee ?

Ans. Apigee is a platform for developing and managing APIs which provides an abstraction or facade for your backend service APIs and provides security, rate limiting, quotas, analytics, and more.

28. What is Cloud Run ?

Ans. Cloud Run is a serverless managed compute platform that enables us to run stateless containers that are invokable via requests or events. More on Cloud Run docs.

29. Which parameter in GKE decides about the number of nodes that can be upgraded at one time ?

Ans. MaxSurge

30. Which parameter in GKE enables us to set a limit of the maximum nodes that can be unavailable during an update ?

Ans. MaxUnavailable

31. What is the default value of MaxSurge and MaxUnavailable for all new node pools in GKE ?

Ans. maxSurge=1 and maxUnavailable=0

32. What is Cloud Dataproc ?

Ans. Cloud Dataproc is a fully managed and highly scalable service that allows us to take advantages of open source tools like Apache Spark, Apache Hadoop etc for batch processing, querying, streaming and learning.

33. What are different key elements in Cloud pub/sub ?

Ans. There are five key elements in pub/sub:-

  • Publisher
  • Message
  • Topic
  • Subscription
  • Subscriber

34. What is Cloud DLP ?

Ans. Cloud DLP provides tools and solutions to protect sensitive data in SaaS and IaaS applications.

35. Which Service provides the ability to store encryption keys at a third party location ?

Ans. External Key Manager(EKM)

36. Which NoSQL database is mostly preferred when you need to handle analytical workloads like time-series and IoT data ?

Ans. BigTable

37. Which tool is used to provide automated detection of certain threats in GCP ?

Ans. Cloud Threat Detection(CTD) Tool

38. Which of the main tools are currently included in CTD ?

Ans. The two main tools currently included in CTD are:-

  • Event Threat Detection
  • Container Threat Detection

39. Which tool is mostly used to find vulnerabilities in GCP ?

Ans. Security Health Analytics(SHA)

40. Which tool is mostly recommended for scanning our public GCP endpoints for web-based vulnerabilities ?

Ans. Web Security Scanner(WSS)

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