
5 Best Steps to Register SSH Key for Cloud Source Repositories in GCP


In this article, we will look into 5 Best Steps to Register SSH Key for Source Repositories in Google Cloud(GCP). If you are developer or programmer then you might be checking out your project code in remote Git Repository after you register ssh key pair. In case of Google Cloud Source Repositories also, you need to follow the same steps to check out your code. But before this you need to first register ssh key in Google Cloud. This can be easily done by following below given steps.

5 Best Steps to Register SSH Key for Cloud Source Repositories in GCP

Steps to Register SSH Key in Google Cloud(GCP)

Also Read: How to Disable Cloud Build API in Google Cloud(GCP) Using 5 Simple Steps

Step 1: Prerequisites

a) You should have ssh-keygen tool installed in your Server.

b) You should have permission to run ssh-keygen utility in your Server.

c) You need a valid Google Email ID and Password.

d) You should have Git Client tool installed in your Server.

e) You should have a Repo created in your Cloud Source Repositories.

Step 2: Generate SSH Key Pair

In the first step, you need to generate SSH Key pair using ssh-keygen tool. You can either use any Linux based Server or even Cloud Shell to generate the Key pair. Just run ssh-keygen -t rsa command as shown below. It will first ask the file name and path to save the private key. Since we are using default path here so we won't change anything and will just press Enter. Next, it will ask for passphrase. Since we are not using any passphrase so here also we will just press Enter. You can notice that the chosen default path is also used to save the public key as both the keys will be on same path.

[centos@localhost ~]$ ssh-keygen -t rsa
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/home/centos/.ssh/id_rsa):
Created directory '/home/centos/.ssh'.
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
Your identification has been saved in /home/centos/.ssh/id_rsa.
Your public key has been saved in /home/centos/.ssh/
The key fingerprint is:
SHA256:VrXtpj7OeH1LdVxk6/Zg40Ql2dH+LyjRlUaHPBcGcLI centos@localhost.localdomain
The key's randomart image is:
+---[RSA 2048]----+
|      oo+oBB      |
|    .+oB=*        |
|  .E..oB.         |
|  . o=.o          |
|     S   . oBo=   |
|   . . .*.o=      |
|    ..o..o        |
|   .++ + o        |
|     .++. +.      |

You can go to /home/centos/.ssh path and check your both the keys.

[centos@localhost .ssh]$ ls -lrt
total 8
-rw-r--r--. 1 centos centos 410 Apr 1 22:26
-rw-------. 1 centos centos 1679 Apr 1 22:26 id_rsa

If you open your public key, then it should look like below. You can use Linux utility like cat command to open a file. You can just do cat command to open public key.

[centos@localhost .ssh]$ cat
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQC8o1tZNa3VzYySZIy8YVDTPd+e78f4QYMdFKVNs3THnEX9uB2N0hji2M7nT5rqH34Fnjx11/ka3697J9hNKeQmAbU51L2YVkdOduVy9hX9x2Pb/jWKaJ6etW3KIxHOAEN8AlYvD+lmkfllFHkhvfv70WqcGmq+k1NppH7H4Qjpy1PrkXqUTtoZm/Z/SaXKQpb22hb6VH3kuKr727D/Bb1eBVfe7hHpsBzAig/Rs//3Px0j+wuvA5Eukqx4DubfWmYtgANDz/p4tzH+E9gb+igafxrxrwPa2i4oAUpre0DO8BwQrRbY2pRj2NBPNHGyWAoRJfOXptNnA6/KChLR4qyH centos@localhost.localdomain

Similarly, if you open your private key using cat id_rsa command then it should look like below.

[centos@localhost .ssh]$ cat id_rsa

Step 3: Open Cloud Source Repositories

Once the key pair is generated, you can open Cloud Source Repositories either by scrolling down to Source Repositories option on Dashboard or by searching Source Repositories from the Search Box as shown below.

5 Best Steps to Register SSH Key for Cloud Source Repositories in GCP 2

Step 4: Register Public Key in Google Cloud

In the Cloud Source Repositories, you will see 3 vertical dots on top right corner. If you Click that you will see a list of options like below. You need click on Manage SSH Keys option.

5 Best Steps to Register SSH Key for Cloud Source Repositories in GCP 3

Once you clicked on Manage SSH Keys, you will be able to see below screen where you need to click on Register SSH Key.

5 Best Steps to Register SSH Key for Cloud Source Repositories in GCP 4

Here you need to provide a unique Key Name and paste the public key from that you generated in the previous step. Then Click on Register.

5 Best Steps to Register SSH Key for Cloud Source Repositories in GCP 5

If everything goes well, then the key will get registered successfully and it will look like below.

5 Best Steps to Register SSH Key for Cloud Source Repositories in GCP 6

Step 5: Authenticate through Private Key

Now it is time to test your key by authenticating through private key that you have generated in earlier step. You will find your private key under /home/centos/.ssh/id_rsa path. We have a repo sample-project-repo1 created in Google Cloud which we will clone first in our local git repository using git clone command as shown below.

[centos@localhost ~]$ git clone ssh://
Cloning into 'sample-project-repo1'...
The authenticity of host '[]:2022 ([]:2022)' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:AGvEpqYNMqsRNIviwyk4J4HM0lEylomDBKOWZsBn434.
ECDSA key fingerprint is MD5:74:84:6c:08:d5:b5:54:68:19:da:2a:8e:4c:5b:d3:0d.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added '[]:2022,[]:2022' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
warning: remote HEAD refers to nonexistent ref, unable to checkout.

Once the repo is cloned you can see a directory sample-project-repo1 created below. You need to go inside the directory using cd sample-project-repo1 command. Since our repo was empty so you won't able to see any files here if you try to list it using ls -lrt command.

[centos@localhost ~]$ ls -lrt
total 0
drwxrwxr-x 3 centos centos 18 Apr 2 06:34 sample-project-repo1
[centos@localhost ~]$ cd sample-project-repo1/
[centos@localhost sample-project-repo1]$ ls -lrt
total 0

We will go ahead and try to create a sample cloudbuild.yaml file using touch cloudbuild.yaml command. Then add that in our current local git repo.

[centos@localhost sample-project-repo1]$ touch cloudbuild.yaml
[centos@localhost sample-project-repo1]$ git add .

Before committing anything it is required to setup your email ID and user name in the repo.

[centos@localhost sample-project-repo1]$ git config --global ""
[centos@localhost sample-project-repo1]$ git config --global "John Wick"

Once everything is done, you can simply commit by giving any useful comment as shown below. More on git documentation.

[centos@localhost sample-project-repo1]$ git commit -m "Initial Commit"
[master (root-commit) 3d3c806] Initial Commit
1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 cloudbuild.yaml

If the commit is successful then you can push your changes to your Cloud Repo using git push -u origin master command as shown below.

[centos@localhost sample-project-repo1]$ git push -u origin master
Counting objects: 3, done.
Writing objects: 100% (3/3), 223 bytes | 0 bytes/s, done.
Total 3 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
To ssh://
* [new branch] master -> master
Branch master set up to track remote branch master from origin.

Now if you go to your Google Cloud Repositories and check the recently added file then it should like below. It confirms that you have successfully registered your ssh key and it is working fine.

5 Best Steps to Register SSH Key for Cloud Source Repositories in GCP 7

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