
How to Add and Use Birthday Bot Discord Bot


In this article, we will see how to add and use birthday bot discord bot. A birthday bot is a tool used by discord users to track the birthdays of other users on servers. The bot essentially creates birthdays from the birthday roles which have been assigned to users. Moreover, this also considers their time zones to ensure that they are wished at the right time. However, this bot is not limited to that and can be used to celebrate the server's or users' anniversaries as well.


Why do People need a Birthday Bot

A bot that reminds users of their friends' birthdays can be a handy and beneficial tool for a variety of reasons. First and foremost, such a bot can help users remember and celebrate their friends' birthdays in a timely and meaningful way. Birthdays are important milestones that deserve to be celebrated, and a bot that reminds users of these dates can help ensure that friends are recognized and appreciated on their special day. This can strengthen friendships and help users feel more connected to their friends and loved ones.

In addition, a bot that reminds users of their friends' birthdays can help prevent any awkward or embarrassing situations that may arise from forgetting an important date. If a user is forgetful or has a busy schedule, it can be easy to miss a friend's birthday. However, with a reminder bot in place, users can be confident that they won't forget their friends' birthdays and risk offending or disappointing them.


How to Add and Use Birthday Bot Discord Bot

How to Add and Use Birthday Bot Discord Bot

Also Read: How to Add and Use Hydra Discord Music Bot

A birthday reminder bot can also be a convenient way for users to keep track of important dates. Rather than manually maintaining a list or calendar of friends' birthdays, users can rely on the bot to send reminders and keep them organized. This can be especially useful for users who have a large social circle or who are prone to forgetting important dates.

Furthermore, a bot that reminds users of their friends' birthdays can be a thoughtful and personalized way to send well wishes and show appreciation. Rather than relying on generic or impersonal messages, users can customize their birthday wishes and make them more meaningful and heartfelt. This can help foster the connection between users their friends and create a sense of community and belonging.

Overall, a bot that reminds users of their friends' birthdays can be a handy and beneficial tool for strengthening relationships, avoiding awkward situations, staying organized, and showing appreciation. Whether through personalized birthday wishes or timely reminders, such a bot can help users celebrate their friends and loved ones in a meaningful and thoughtful way.


How to Invite the Bot to a Server

Now that you are aware of what the birthday bot does, you can follow the steps mentioned below to invite it to your server:-

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  • The website will have the option to view the description of the bot, and search for other bots, in case you want to find other bots. However, for now, click on invite to initiate the invitation process for the bot.
  • Once you clicked on invite, the bot will ask for permission to access your account. By giving it permission to do so, it will be able to create commands. You will also have to choose the server you would like to invite the bot. Once done click on Continue to proceed.

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  • The next page will show you the full list of permissions which the bot needs access to as you can see below. Select all the permissions and click on Authorize.

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  • After successful authorization, birthday bot will be ready as shown below.

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How to Create a Channel

Now that you have invited the bot, it is time to create a channel by following below simple steps:-

  • Click on the plus(+) sign to create a new channel as highlighted below.

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  • You will be asked to select if you would like to create a text channel or voice channel. For our purpose, we will select the channel type as Text channel as the bot will be texting the birthday messages and then it will ask you provide the name of the channel. We will provide the channel name as birthday-channel. Once done, click on Create Channel.

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  • Once created, it should look like below.

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How to Set up the Birthday Bot

Once you are done with creating a channel, all that is left now is to set up the bot. This task is simple and requires you to type in few commands.

  • The first step is to type in “/setup” command. This will initiate the setup process. The bot will ask you whether you want to create a new channel, use an existing channel, or do not want to set up a channel. Since we already created a channel that we are going to use so click on “Select Existing”.

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  • Once you clicked on “Select Existing”, it will ask you to type in the channel’s name. Click on “Enter Response” and it will ask you to type in the channel name.

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  • Type the channel name that we created earlier and then click on Submit.

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  • Upon clicking on submit, your channel will be set to be used by the Bot. All that is left now is to set up the birthday role.
  • The bot will now ask you to setup the birthday role and gives you three options to do so - Create New, Select Existing and Do Not Set. You need to click on Create New as highlighted below.

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  • It will successfully setup the birthday role as shown below.

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How to Setup Time Zone

Now users with the role as birthday role can set their birthdays and time zones. The setting up of the time zone is very important as users within the server can reside in different time zones. To setup, you just need to follow below simple steps:-

  • Type in “/set” to bring up the set-up process for the time zone.

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  • Then click on “Enter Response” to enter your time zone.
  • Once done click on Enter Response, it will ask you to type your birth month and day below.

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  • It will then ask you to confirm your details.

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  • Voila, you are done!


How to Edit the Role 

Birthday Bot relies on a role, which ensures that it wishes users who have been assigned the role. In order to edit the role, follow these steps:-

  • Click on the downward facing arrow at the top left of the screen. The arrow will be next to your server’s name as highlighted below.

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  • This will present you with a list of multiple options in which you need to select Server Settings as highlighted below.

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  • Then you need to click on Roles, and this is where you will have the option to create and update previously created roles.

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  • Hover over the birthday role that you created earlier and click on the edit icon as highlighted below.

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  • This will allow you to edit the role by changing a variety of functions the role can carry out. Here you can change the role’s name, its color, the permissions it has and can manage the users role.

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You are finally done! Now users with the role will be able to set their birthdays and ensure that everyone knows when it is!



All things considered, the birthday bot is a fun bot to have in your server. It is a tool used by Discord users to track and celebrate the birthdays of other users on their server. The bot creates birthday reminders by using birthday roles assigned to users, taking into account their time zones to ensure that they receive their birthday wishes at the right time.

Its not just a good way to make your server interactive, but also develops bonds within your server, ensuring that people visit your server more often! For families that have a server on discord, the bot can serve as a source of reminder for the family members. Moreover, the average discord user can use the bot to get to know other users. This is why we recommend having the bot in your server!

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