
How to Install PowerShell on Ubuntu or Debian

How to Install PowerShell on Ubuntu or Debian 26

In this article, we will see how to install powershell on Ubuntu or Debian based linux systems. There are many reasons why one could think of installing powershell on a linux based systems. The first and foremost reason is that any windows users who is accustomed of using powershell migrating to ubuntu or debian based ... Read more

How to Install Trivy Vulnerability Scanner on Ubuntu 22.04

How to Install Trivy Vulnerability Scanner on Ubuntu 22.04 32

In this article, we will see how to install trivy vulnerability scanner on Ubuntu 22.04. Trivy is a comprehensive and easy-to-use open-source vulnerability scanner for containers and other artifacts. Developed by Aqua Security, Trivy is designed to detect security vulnerabilities within your container images, file systems, and even Infrastructure as Code (IaC) configurations. It's well-suited ... Read more

How to Install gettext-base package on Ubuntu 22.04

How to Install gettext-base package on Ubuntu 22.04 33

In this article, we will see how to install gettext-base package on Ubuntu 22.04. The gettext-base package is a fundamental component of the GNU Internationalization (i18n) utilities. It provides minimal tools necessary for programs to use native language support, focusing on essential utilities required for scripts or for systems with limited resources. It is designed ... Read more