
Beginner To Open Source? Here’s What To Know


If open source seems like a concept from a completely foreign planet, you are not alone. Open source is a world with incredible opportunities for exploration, but if you’ve never had experience with it, it is difficult figuring out where to begin. In short, open source is a type of code that anyone can get access to and modify. Now that you know the short definition, we can delve into the functions of open source.


How Open Source Projects Work

The transparency of open source projects is what drives many software developers and beginners to work with them. An example of an open source project is the website WordPress used for blogging, as this stemmed from an already existing project. Open source projects are open for collaboration, and many users from all around the world can work on the platform together. While this is a great way of getting to the end of a project, some might question the security of open source.

Funnily enough, even though the code in open source projects is open to the public, the software is not less secure than closed source software because of that. But working on open source platforms like Kubernetes, there is always a chance of getting a data breach. Therefore, kubernetes security is still an important focus when using the platform. Users choose to secure their data by using different practices like updating Kubernetes regularly.


Working In Kubernetes

When getting introduced to open source, Kubernetes is a good place to begin. This platform was originally released by Google 8 years ago. Today, it is often highlighted as the industry standard. Kubernetes is used for the automation of software deployment and management, so employers can very easily handle applications. The reason why Kubernetes is often highlighted is because of its powerful application programming interface.


Working With Linux

When working with open source projects, another commonly used system is Linux. Linux is a control system like Windows and MacOS and was created back in 1991 by the Finnish Linus Torvald.

Linux originally began as a hobby, but today, there are just as many possibilities as with Windows and MacOS. You can surf the internet, check your bank account, and use programs for writing in the office pack. The disadvantage of Linux is that you cannot use programs for Windows or MacOS. If you wish to use Word for example, you will have to use Linux’s alternative.


When Beginning An Open Source Project

In the first phase of an open source project, there are a couple of roles to keep notice of. If you have created the project yourself, you will be known as the author. It is your job to assign the other members new roles. The author is often simultaneously the owner, as this describes the ownership of the project. The people who are in charge of directing the project are known as the maintainers.

Lastly, there are the people who aren’t in charge of the project but who contribute to it. These are, very conveniently, known as the contributors. They work on the code based on the requirements of the code style. Some people don’t contribute but give feedback on what needs to be changed, bug reports, and more. These are known as community members.


Advantages Of Open Source

Working on an open source project can open new doors of possibilities. Firstly, because you can work with developers of all stages, you can learn from them as well as teach others. Because as a software developer, you learn a lot by teaching. Secondly, when creating a project together, it often gets better because of the collaborative effort. When more people can give feedback, you can improve the project together. Lastly, if you have a project of your own, you can get help from others to get started and get new insights, you wouldn’t have gotten.

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