
How to Add and Use MEE6 Discord Bot [Easy Steps]


In this article, we will see how to add and use MEE6 Discord Bot. MEE6 is a Discord bot that allows users to automate tasks on their Discord server. One of the main benefits of using MEE6 discord bot is that it helps keep a Discord server organized and runs it smoothly. For example, if you have a large server with many active users, MEE6 can help assign users roles based on their activity level so that you can easily see who is most involved in the community. MEE6's custom commands and welcome messages can also help new users feel more welcome and connected to the community. Some examples of what MEE6 can do includes the following:-

  • Automatically assign roles to users based on their activity level on the server
  • Welcome new users with a personalized message
  • Set up custom commands that users can use to access information or perform actions
  • Monitor and delete inappropriate messages
  • Set up automatic backups of server channels and roles

However, that is not all with MEE6 Bot. It has lot more number of functions that puts it at the competition's forefront. The bot offers level, twitch alerts, and even has a web-dashboard to make things simpler.


How to Add and Use MEE6 Discord Bot [Easy Steps]

How to Add and Use MEE6 Discord Bot [Easy Steps]

Also Read: How to Use Mimu Discord Bot [Mimu Bot Commands]

MEE6 is a Discord bot that offers a wide range of features to users to help them manage and automate tasks on their Discord server. One of the standout features of MEE6 Discord Bot is the ability to create custom commands. With MEE6, you have complete control over what your commands do, so you can create one that automatically give and remove roles, send messages in the current channel or in a user's DM, or perform any other action that you can imagine. This can be especially useful for larger servers with many active users, as it allows you to manage roles and keep the community easily organized.

Another helpful feature of MEE6 discord bot is the ability to set up welcome messages for new users. This can be a great way to inform newcomers about your server rules, topic, or any ongoing events. You can design your own custom welcome card or keep it simple with a basic message. Either way, this is a great way to make new users feel welcome and informed about what's happening on your server.

In addition to these features, MEE6 also offers the ability to set up streaming, uploading, and posting alerts. This can be especially useful if you or your favorite content creators are active on platforms like Twitch, YouTube, Reddit, and Twitter. With MEE6 Discord bot, you can easily set up alerts for when streams, uploads, and posts go live, so you and your community can stay up to date on all the latest content.

Overall, MEE6 is a powerful and versatile Discord bot that offers users a wide range of features to help them manage and automate tasks on their Discord server. Whether you're looking to create custom commands, welcome new users, or stay up-to-date on the latest content, MEE6 has something to offer.


How to Invite MEE6 Discord Bot

To invite the bot, you have to follow below five simple steps:-

  • Visit the bot’s official website and click on Add to Discord option as shown below.

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  • In the next step, MEE6 bot will ask you to provide access to your discord account. Once you Authorize, you will be redirected outside of Discord to MEE6 dashboard.

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  • Here bot will ask you to select a discord server.

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  • When you select the server, you will be redirected back to discord where bot will ask you to provide access to your discord server. Click on Continue to provide access and proceed.

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  • In the next step, it will ask you to grant MEE6 bot all the below permissions on your discord server. Click on Authorize to confirm the grant.

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  • Then Solve the captcha, and finally you are done!


How to Use MEE6 Discord Bot ?

Once the bot is added, MEE6 will take you to its web dashboard where you will be presented with different selections. If you feel threatened, don’t be. It’s a simple web dashboard and we will cover the basics for you!

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So, the first task is to enable all the plugins that you need. Our top recommended plugins are:-


a) Welcome & Goodbye: This plugin allows you to send a message whenever a user joins your server. There are multiple ways to edit this plugin. You can either send a message in the server, send a private message to new users, give a role to new users, or send a message when a user leaves the server.

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You will have to individually set up each module.


b) Reaction Roles: This plugin allows the bot to automatically give users a role when they join a server. When you enable this plugin, it will ask you to create a reaction role.

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Once the role and text have been created, you will be able to view it on your dashboard.


c) Moderator: This plugin allows the user to moderate the server. MEE6 has created an intuitive AutoMod that detects and carries out action automatically giving admin their free time.

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AutoMod has multiple filters which you can enable and adjust as per your need. Moreover, if you want certain people to be immune to the bot, you can do so by assigning them a role and then giving those immunity roles. This is essential for admins to keep their server free of explicit languages. Moreover, if someone is spamming the server with a single text, they can also be restricted. The plugin allows plentiful customizability which has been tailored for server admins.


d) Record: This plugin is something unlike ever seen before. The plugin allows the admin to record voice channel conversations. This is beneficial for people who want to keep track of their conversations, or for people recording their gameplay. Moreover, admins can also use this as a way to keep check of their server and ensure that people are not talking about illegal things. Got to avoid a ban, right?

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e) Embed Messages: This plugin allows users embed messages for rules and announcements. One thing discord lacks is the option to beautify text by using colors and thumbnails. However, MEE6 Discord Bot gives you the ability to take control of that and ensure that everyone is greeted by your, personally customized, text.

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To summarize, MEE6 is a powerful and versatile Discord bot that allows users to automate tasks and features on their Discord server. One of the main benefits of using MEE6 is that it can help to keep a Discord server organized and running smoothly by assigning roles to users based on their activity level, welcoming new users with personalized messages, setting up custom commands, and monitoring and deleting inappropriate messages. MEE6 also offers the ability to set up automatic backups of server channels and roles.

In addition to these features, MEE6 also offers levelling, Twitch alerts, and a web dashboard to make everything easier to use. The levelling feature allows users to earn points and level up the more they use the Discord server, adding a sense of progression and community involvement. The Twitch alerts feature allows users to stay up-to-date on the latest streams from their favorite content creators on Twitch. The web dashboard allows users to easily manage and customize MEE6's features from a web browser.

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