
110 Grafana MCQs with answers for all Interviews and Exams

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In this article, we will see 110 Grafana MCQs with answers for all Interviews and Exams. Grafana is an open-source platform widely recognized for its excellence in interactive visualization, analytics, and monitoring. It's particularly popular in the realm of time-series data analysis, used extensively for monitoring IT infrastructure, application performance, and various other metrics in real-time.

Grafana is best known for its powerful and dynamic dashboards that present complex data in a visually appealing and easily understandable format. It supports a wide range of graphs, charts, and tables that can be customized to suit specific monitoring needs. Here we will see 110 MCQs which cover a range of basic concepts, features, and functionalities of Grafana.


110 Grafana MCQs with answers for all Interviews and Exams

110 Grafana MCQs with answers for all Interviews and Exams

Also Read: 100 PromQL(Prometheus Query Language) MCQs for Interviews and Exams

1. What is Grafana primarily used for?

A. Data entry
B. Data visualization
C. Network configuration
D. Programming

Ans: B. Data visualization


2. Which data source is natively supported by Grafana?

B. PostgreSQL
C. InfluxDB
D. All of the above

Ans: D. All of the above


3. In Grafana, what is a 'Dashboard'?

A. A collection of panels
B. A type of data source
C. A user role
D. A type of notification channel

Ans: A. A collection of panels


4. What does a 'Panel' in Grafana represent?

A. A specific visualization of data
B. A user account
C. A data storage device
D. A type of alert

Ans: A. A specific visualization of data


5. How can Grafana alert users to important changes in data?

A. Through email notifications
B. By changing the dashboard color
C. By creating a new user
D. By updating its version

Ans: A. Through email notifications


6. Which of the following is a feature of Grafana?

A. Real-time data entry
B. Data visualization
C. Website hosting
D. Email server

Ans: B. Data visualization


7. Can Grafana be integrated with cloud services?

A. No, it only works on-premise
B. Yes, but only with AWS
C. Yes, it supports various cloud services
D. No, it is not compatible with cloud services

Ans: C. Yes, it supports various cloud services


8. What is a 'Query' in Grafana?

A. A request to the data source for specific data
B. A type of user role
C. A visualization tool
D. A type of dashboard

Ans: A. A request to the data source for specific data


9. Which of the following is true about Grafana?

A. It is a paid software
B. It only supports time-series databases
C. It is an open-source platform
D. It can only be used on Windows

Ans: C. It is an open-source platform


10. In Grafana, what is the purpose of 'Annotations'?

A. To mark special events on graphs
B. To create new data sources
C. To delete data
D. To change user roles

Ans: A. To mark special events on graphs


11. What is the default port for the Grafana web interface?

A. 3000
B. 8080
C. 8000
D. 5000

Ans: A. 3000


12. Which feature in Grafana allows you to combine data from multiple sources into a single graph?

A. Mixed Data Sources
B. Data Blending
C. Panel Merge
D. Source Integration

Ans: A. Mixed Data Sources


13. What type of database is Grafana best suited for?

A. Relational databases
B. Time-series databases
C. NoSQL databases
D. Graph databases

Ans: B. Time-series databases


14. Can Grafana be used for alerting?

A. No, it's only for visualization
B. Yes, but only through third-party plugins
C. Yes, it has built-in alerting features
D. Only in its enterprise version

Ans: C. Yes, it has built-in alerting features


15. What is Grafana Loki?

A. A data source plugin
B. A dashboard template
C. A log aggregation system
D. A user authentication method

Ans: C. A log aggregation system


16. How does Grafana support mobile devices?

A. Through a dedicated mobile app
B. Via responsive web design
C. Only through third-party applications
D. Grafana does not support mobile devices

Ans: B. Via responsive web design


17. Which protocol is primarily used by Grafana for data querying?


Ans: A. HTTP


18. Can Grafana connect to multiple data sources simultaneously?

A. Yes, without limitations
B. Only up to three sources
C. No, only one at a time
D. Only in specific versions

Ans: A. Yes, without limitations


19. What is a Grafana 'Playlist'?

A. A set of favorite dashboards
B. A sequence of dashboards displayed in a loop
C. A collection of data sources
D. A music playlist for background listening

Ans: B. A sequence of dashboards displayed in a loop


20. In Grafana, what is 'Templating' used for?

A. To create reusable panel designs
B. For user authentication templates
C. To create dynamic, interactive dashboards
D. For exporting and importing dashboard settings

Ans: C. To create dynamic, interactive dashboards


21. Which language is primarily used for writing Grafana plugins?

A. Python
B. JavaScript
C. C++
D. Java

Ans: B. JavaScript


22. What is the Grafana feature that allows for the display of metrics, logs, and traces side by side?

A. Data Fusion
B. Unified View
C. Panel Integration
D. Mixed Panels

Ans: B. Unified View


23. In Grafana, what does a 'Starred' dashboard indicate?

A. A template dashboard
B. A dashboard that is set as the home dashboard
C. A frequently accessed or favorite dashboard
D. A dashboard shared with other users

Ans: C. A frequently accessed or favorite dashboard


24. Which of the following is a key advantage of using Grafana?

A. Automated data entry
B. High-level data security
C. Interactive and real-time data visualization
D. Data storage capability

Ans: C. Interactive and real-time data visualization


25. Can Grafana be used for anomaly detection?

A. Yes, with native support
B. Yes, but only with specific data sources
C. No, it's not designed for this purpose
D. Only with third-party plugins

Ans: D. Only with third-party plugins


26. What is the main purpose of Grafana's 'Explore' feature?

A. To navigate between dashboards
B. For in-depth analysis of data and ad-hoc queries
C. To explore different user roles and permissions
D. To find and install new plugins

Ans: B. For in-depth analysis of data and ad-hoc queries


27. How does Grafana support team collaboration?

A. Through shared dashboards and panels
B. By providing a team chat feature
C. Through integrated project management tools
D. It does not support team collaboration

Ans: A. Through shared dashboards and panels


28. What type of plugin allows you to add new visualizations to Grafana?

A. Data Source Plugin
B. Panel Plugin
C. Application Plugin
D. Backend Plugin

Ans: B. Panel Plugin


29. In Grafana, what is a 'Variable'?

A. A way to dynamically modify queries
B. A storage unit for data
C. A user-defined function
D. A security feature

Ans: A. A way to dynamically modify queries


30. What is Grafana Cloud?

A. A cloud-based version of Grafana with additional features
B. A data storage service by Grafana
C. A plugin for cloud data sources
D. A cloud computing service

Ans: A. A cloud-based version of Grafana with additional features


31. What does the Grafana 'Snapshot' feature do?

A. Backs up the entire Grafana instance
B. Captures the current state of a dashboard for sharing
C. Takes a screenshot of the current view
D. Records user activity for security purposes

Ans: B. Captures the current state of a dashboard for sharing


32. Which of these is not a standard panel type in Grafana?

A. Graph
B. Gauge
C. Pie chart
D. Word cloud

Ans: D. Word cloud


33. What is Grafana's role in a typical observability stack?

A. Data storage
B. Data collection
C. Data visualization
D. Data processing

Ans: C. Data visualization


34. In Grafana, what is an 'Organization'?

A. A collection of users
B. A type of data source
C. A server hosting Grafana
D. A dashboard layout

Ans: A. A collection of users


35. Which of the following is not a native feature of Grafana?

A. Real-time alerts
B. Data correlation analysis
C. Log management
D. Time-series data visualization

Ans: B. Data correlation analysis


36. How does Grafana ensure data security?

A. By encrypting all stored data
B. Through user authentication and authorization
C. By anonymizing data
D. Grafana does not have security features

Ans: B. Through user authentication and authorization


37. What type of software is Grafana classified as?

A. Database Management System
B. Business Intelligence Tool
C. Observability and Monitoring Tool
D. Network Management Tool

Ans: C. Observability and Monitoring Tool


38. Can Grafana process and transform data?

A. Yes, it can fully process and transform data
B. No, it only visualizes data
C. Yes, but with limited capabilities
D. Only with specific data sources

Ans: C. Yes, but with limited capabilities


39. In Grafana, what purpose do 'Annotations' serve?

A. To document the source code
B. To mark events on time-series data
C. To comment on dashboards
D. To annotate user roles and permissions

Ans: B. To mark events on time-series data


40. Which scripting or programming language can be used in Grafana for more advanced customization?

A. Python
B. JavaScript
D. R

Ans: B. JavaScript


41. What is the purpose of a Grafana Dashboard?

A. To store data
B. To visualize and analyze data
C. To manage user accounts
D. To configure data sources

Ans: B. To visualize and analyze data


42. How can a user save a dashboard in Grafana?

A. By exporting it to a CSV file
B. By taking a screenshot
C. By clicking the 'Save' button on the dashboard
D. Dashboards are automatically saved

Ans: C. By clicking the 'Save' button on the dashboard


43. What is a 'Panel' in the context of a Grafana Dashboard?

A. A section of the dashboard for user controls
B. A visualization within the dashboard
C. A tool for data entry
D. The background of the dashboard

Ans: B. A visualization within the dashboard


44. Can Grafana Dashboards be shared with non-Grafana users?

A. Yes, through public links
B. No, only registered users can view dashboards
C. Yes, but only in PDF format
D. Sharing dashboards is not supported

Ans: A. Yes, through public links


45. What feature allows users to change variables in a Grafana Dashboard?

A. Annotations
B. Templating
C. Data Sources
D. Playlist

Ans: B. Templating


46. How can a user duplicate a panel in a Grafana Dashboard?

A. By using the 'Clone' option in the panel menu
B. Panels cannot be duplicated
C. By copying and pasting the panel's code
D. By dragging and dropping the panel while holding a modifier key

Ans: A. By using the 'Clone' option in the panel menu


47. What is the maximum number of panels a Grafana Dashboard can have?

A. 10
B. 20
C. There is no hard limit
D. 100

Ans: C. There is no hard limit


48. In Grafana, what is a 'Dashboard Folder'?

A. A feature to compress and archive old dashboards
B. A tool for creating dashboards
C. A way to organize dashboards into collections
D. A special type of dashboard for administrators

Ans: C. A way to organize dashboards into collections


49. Can users import dashboards from other Grafana instances?

A. No, dashboards are instance-specific
B. Yes, through JSON files
C. Yes, but only through a direct database transfer
D. Only within the same network

Ans: B. Yes, through JSON files


50. What is the purpose of 'Dashboard Variables' in Grafana?

A. To store sensitive information securely
B. To allow dynamic changes in the visualization
C. For user authentication
D. To track changes in dashboard versions

Ans: B. To allow dynamic changes in the visualization


51. How can a user add annotations to a Grafana Dashboard?

A. By editing the dashboard JSON
B. Through the dashboard settings menu
C. Directly on the panel where the annotation is needed
D. Annotations are automatically added

Ans: C. Directly on the panel where the annotation is needed


52. What is the Grafana feature that allows for the creation of dynamic and interactive dashboards?

A. Dashboard Templates
B. Data Links
C. Scripted Dashboards
D. Variables

Ans: D. Variables


53. Can a Grafana Dashboard be set as the default home page for a user or organization?

A. Yes, in the dashboard settings
B. No, it's not possible to set a default dashboard
C. Only for users, not organizations
D. Only for organizations, not users

Ans: A. Yes, in the dashboard settings


54. What is the purpose of 'Dashboard Playlists' in Grafana?

A. To play background music while viewing dashboards
B. To create a sequence of dashboards to be displayed on a loop
C. To automate dashboard creation
D. To organize dashboards by theme

Ans: B. To create a sequence of dashboards to be displayed on a loop


55. In Grafana, what is the 'Star' feature used for in dashboards?

A. To rate the dashboard's quality
B. To mark a dashboard as important
C. To highlight changes to a dashboard
D. To mark a dashboard as a favorite for easy access

Ans: D. To mark a dashboard as a favorite for easy access


56. How can a user customize the appearance of a Grafana Dashboard?

A. By using CSS styles
B. Through the dashboard settings
C. Customization is not supported
D. By editing the source code

Ans: B. Through the dashboard settings


57. What does 'linking a panel' in a Grafana Dashboard allow you to do?

A. Connect two panels for data synchronization
B. Create a hyperlink to another dashboard or external URL
C. Merge two panels into one
D. Link the panel to a data source

Ans: B. Create a hyperlink to another dashboard or external URL


58. Can Grafana Dashboards be exported and imported across different Grafana installations?

A. No, dashboards are tied to a specific installation
B. Yes, using the JSON model
C. Only if the installations are on the same network
D. Yes, but only through a direct database connection

Ans: B. Yes, using the JSON model


59. What is the Grafana feature that allows you to see changes made to a dashboard over time?

A. Dashboard History
B. Version Control
C. Snapshot History
D. Change Log

Ans: A. Dashboard History


60. How can Grafana Dashboards be used in a team environment?

A. By assigning a dashboard to each team member
B. Through shared access and collaborative editing
C. Dashboards cannot be shared among team members
D. By creating team-specific data sources

Ans: B. Through shared access and collaborative editing


61. What is the purpose of expressions in Grafana Dashboards?

A. To automate the creation of dashboards
B. To create complex data queries and transformations
C. To manage user permissions
D. To customize the Grafana interface

Ans: B. To create complex data queries and transformations


62. Which feature in Grafana allows you to use expressions for creating dynamic dashboard variables?

A. Dashboard Settings
B. Panel Editor
C. Templating
D. Annotations

Ans: C. Templating


63. How are expressions typically used in Grafana Panels?

A. To define the panel's layout
B. For data filtering and calculation
C. To link panels together
D. To set the panel's refresh rate

Ans: B. For data filtering and calculation


64. Can expressions in Grafana be used to modify the appearance of a panel?

A. Yes, extensively
B. No, they are only for data manipulation
C. Only through third-party plugins
D. Yes, but with limited capabilities

Ans: D. Yes, but with limited capabilities


65. What syntax is used for writing expressions in Grafana?

B. JavaScript
C. Grafana Query Language (GQL)
D. Prometheus Query Language (PromQL)

Ans: D. Prometheus Query Language (PromQL)


66. In Grafana, where can you typically write or edit expressions?

A. In the dashboard JSON configuration
B. In a dedicated expressions editor
C. Directly on the dashboard panels
D. In the data source configuration

Ans: B. In a dedicated expressions editor


67. Can expressions in Grafana be used for alerting purposes?

A. No, expressions are not related to alerting
B. Yes, to define alert conditions
C. Only with specific data sources
D. Yes, but only in Grafana Enterprise

Ans: B. Yes, to define alert conditions


68. What is a common use of expressions in Grafana's time-series panels?

A. To change the time range dynamically
B. To customize the time axis format
C. For data aggregation and transformation
D. To synchronize time across multiple panels

Ans: C. For data aggregation and transformation


69. Are expressions in Grafana dependent on the data source being used?

A. Yes, they are specific to each data source
B. No, they are universal across all data sources
C. Only in certain cases
D. They are only dependent on the data source for syntax purposes

Ans: A. Yes, they are specific to each data source


70. Can Grafana expressions be used to combine data from multiple sources in a single panel?

A. Yes, this is a primary function of expressions
B. No, each panel can only display data from one source
C. Only if the data sources are of the same type
D. This feature is planned but not currently available

Ans: A. Yes, this is a primary function of expressions


71. Which Grafana feature allows you to use expressions to create calculated fields?

A. Transformations
B. Data Links
C. Panel Queries
D. Annotations

Ans: A. Transformations


72. In Grafana, which type of expression is commonly used to filter data?

A. Regex
C. JavaScript

Ans: A. Regex


73. How can you test the validity of an expression in Grafana?

A. By saving and reloading the dashboard
B. Using the 'Test' button in the expressions editor
C. Through the Grafana API
D. Expressions cannot be tested within Grafana

Ans: B. Using the 'Test' button in the expressions editor


74. Can Grafana expressions be used to manipulate string data?

A. No, only numeric data
B. Yes, but with limited functionality
C. Yes, including advanced string operations
D. Only in Grafana Enterprise

Ans: B. Yes, but with limited functionality


75. What is a primary use of Grafana expressions in time-series data analysis?

A. User authentication
B. Data interpolation
C. Dashboard theming
D. Network monitoring

Ans: B. Data interpolation


76. Are Grafana expressions affected by the dashboard's time range?

A. Yes, they are always synchronized with the dashboard's time range
B. No, expressions operate independently of time range
C. Only if explicitly configured in the expression
D. Only in real-time dashboards

Ans: A. Yes, they are always synchronized with the dashboard's time range


77. In Grafana, which component is necessary for writing expressions that involve multiple data sources?

A. Data Source Proxy
B. Mixed Data Source
C. Panel Editor
D. Dashboard Settings

Ans: B. Mixed Data Source


78. What is the role of expressions in Grafana's alerting mechanism?

A. To schedule alert notifications
B. To define the conditions for triggering alerts
C. Expressions are not used in alerting
D. To categorize alert types

Ans: B. To define the conditions for triggering alerts


79. Can expressions in Grafana reference values from other panels within the same dashboard?

A. No, each panel operates independently
B. Yes, but only in Grafana Enterprise
C. Yes, using cross-panel references
D. Only if the panels share the same data source

Ans: C. Yes, using cross-panel references


80. How are Grafana expressions typically used in IoT (Internet of Things) dashboards?

A. For device authentication
B. To visualize geospatial data
C. For real-time data aggregation
D. They are not applicable to IoT dashboards

Ans: C. For real-time data aggregation


81. What feature in Grafana allows for mathematical operations within expressions?

A. Panel Math Functions
B. Query Calculations
C. Data Source Functions
D. Dashboard Calculators

Ans: A. Panel Math Functions


82. How can Grafana expressions be used in a histogram panel?

A. For sorting data
B. To change the histogram's color scheme
C. For bucketing data based on criteria
D. Histograms don't support expressions

Ans: C. For bucketing data based on criteria


83. In Grafana expressions, what is a common use of the 'alias' function?

A. To rename a data series for clarity
B. To create a duplicate of a data series
C. To hide a data series from the panel
D. To assign a color to a data series

Ans: A. To rename a data series for clarity


84. Can Grafana expressions be used to join data from different time periods?

A. Yes, but only if the time periods are adjacent
B. No, this is beyond Grafana's capabilities
C. Yes, using time shift and join functions
D. Only with specific data sources like SQL databases

Ans: C. Yes, using time shift and join functions


85. What Grafana function is used to display the current time within a dashboard expression?

A. now()
B. currentTime()
C. present()
D. timestamp()

Ans: A. now()


86. How do Grafana expressions handle missing or null data points?

A. They are automatically filled with zero
B. They are ignored in calculations
C. They cause an error in the panel
D. They can be handled using specific functions

Ans: D. They can be handled using specific functions


87. In Grafana, what would you use a 'threshold' expression for?

A. To set limits for alerting
B. To change panel colors based on data values
C. To filter out data beyond a certain range
D. To create a baseline for comparison

Ans: A. To set limits for alerting


88. Can expressions in Grafana be used for predictive analysis?

A. Yes, extensively
B. No, Grafana is not designed for predictive analysis
C. Yes, but with limited capabilities
D. Only in combination with specific plugins

Ans: C. Yes, but with limited capabilities


89. What is a 'reduce' expression commonly used for in Grafana?

A. To decrease the amount of data sent to the client
B. To summarize or aggregate data points
C. To lower the resolution of time-series data
D. To reduce the number of panels in a dashboard

Ans: B. To summarize or aggregate data points


90. In Grafana, how are expressions used in conjunction with alerts to monitor data thresholds?

A. By creating a separate alert dashboard
B. Through expressions that define the alert logic
C. Alerts in Grafana do not use expressions
D. By linking expressions to email notifications

Ans: B. Through expressions that define the alert logic


91. Which Grafana feature allows for the aggregation of time series data using expressions?

A. Time Series Aggregator
B. Panel Transformations
C. Data Source Aggregation
D. Query Editor

Ans: B. Panel Transformations


92. In Grafana, how can expressions be used in the context of IoT data?

A. For real-time device monitoring
B. To control IoT devices
C. For styling IoT dashboard panels
D. IoT data does not support expressions

Ans: A. For real-time device monitoring


93. What type of Grafana expression would be used to calculate the rate of change in data?

A. Sum
B. Rate
C. Count
D. Average

Ans: B. Rate


94. Can Grafana expressions be used to format dates and times in panels?

A. Yes, using date formatting functions
B. No, date formatting is not supported
C. Only in table panels
D. Only with external plugins

Ans: A. Yes, using date formatting functions


95. How are expressions in Grafana used for SLA (Service Level Agreement) monitoring?

A. To define SLA breach conditions
B. For visualizing SLA compliance over time
C. Expressions are not applicable in SLA monitoring
D. To generate SLA reports

Ans: B. For visualizing SLA compliance over time


96. In Grafana, which expression is best suited for identifying trends in data over time?

A. Moving Average
B. Total Count
C. Maximum Value
D. Standard Deviation

Ans: A. Moving Average


97. Can Grafana expressions reference external data sources not configured in Grafana?

A. Yes, through API calls
B. No, only configured data sources can be referenced
C. Yes, but only for certain data sources
D. Only with specific Grafana versions

Ans: B. No, only configured data sources can be referenced


98. What Grafana expression function is used for comparing current data against historical data?

A. Compare()
B. Historical()
C. TimeShift()
D. Delta()

Ans: C. TimeShift()


99. How can expressions be used to enhance Grafana's geospatial data visualization?

A. For creating interactive maps
B. To calculate distances between points
C. Expressions do not support geospatial data
D. To change map styles based on data

Ans: B. To calculate distances between points


100. In Grafana, what is the primary use of conditional expressions in alerting?

A. To set different alert levels (e.g., warning, critical)
B. To schedule alerts
C. Conditional expressions are not used in alerting
D. To change alert messages dynamically

Ans: A. To set different alert levels (e.g., warning, critical)


101. Which expression in Grafana is used to combine data from multiple queries?




102. In Grafana, what expression would you use to calculate the total number of events over a period?


Ans: B. SUM


103. How can Grafana expressions be used to alert on anomalies in data?

A. By setting static thresholds
B. Using machine learning algorithms
C. Through statistical functions
D. Expressions do not support anomaly detection

Ans: C. Through statistical functions


104. What Grafana function is used to apply a mathematical formula to each data point in a series?


Ans: A. MAP


105. Can Grafana expressions be utilized to correlate data from different panels?

A. Yes, using cross-panel expressions
B. No, panels are independent
C. Only if the panels share the same data source
D. This feature is not supported

Ans: C. Only if the panels share the same data source


106. In Grafana, which expression is used to filter data based on a text pattern?




107. What is the role of the 'GROUP BY' expression in a Grafana dashboard?

A. To organize data into categories
B. To group user access permissions
C. To compile different dashboards into a folder
D. It is not an expression used in Grafana

Ans: A. To organize data into categories


108. How can expressions be used in Grafana to enhance time series predictions?

A. By calculating trends and extrapolating data
B. Expressions do not support predictions
C. By using AI plugins
D. Through manual data entry

Ans: A. By calculating trends and extrapolating data


109. In Grafana, what expression function can be used for conditional formatting in tables?


Ans: A. IF


110. Can expressions in Grafana manipulate and format string data in log panels?

A. No, they are limited to numerical data
B. Yes, but only basic operations
C. Yes, including complex string functions
D. String manipulation is not supported in log panels

Ans: C. Yes, including complex string functions

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